Männer und Frauen aller Altersgruppen, Herkunft und Geschlecht.
Je nachdem in welchem Land Sie arbeiten möchten:
Auswahl - Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch
2 Lieder
1 Uptempo / 1 Ballade
1 Monolog
Unter 2 Minuten
Unter 2 Minuten: Möglichst viel Technik einbauen
Artists are put on this earth to create harmony and light for us all.
PG Management was founded in 1993 by Janet Jackson Tyler Lummer in Munich Germany. The company focuses on musical theater talent (singers, dancers, actors, directors, conductors, choreographers, musicians and set designers).
Within the first two years the company had placed artists in all major musicals throughout Europe and the UK. We are now going into our 30th year.